An application to manage game related image sets. Specifically designed for collaborative efforts via cloud services, but can also be used individually with local folders only.
GameSetAndMatch was designed for processing game image sets. Sometimes there are lots of sets for the same thing (e.g. Mame Marquees) and some are better quality than others. This software allows you to compare and maintain 3 folders, one being the ‘incoming’ image set folder (e.g. ones found on the web), one you ‘local’ production folder and the last pointing to a cloud linked folder where you can work on an ultimate image set together..
It allows you to process large numbers of images with ease with a lot of batch comparison/file operation capabilities. It works via referencing some form of game .dat file (currently accommodates Mame standards and GameEx db3s). Lastly, for missing images, it lets you search the web for images and imports them into your folder, with links to edit in your favourite image editor.
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