Creating custom shaders for WPF applications
Example approach This creates a greyscale shader: Create a folder for your custom shaders Create a new class to interface the shader: [crayon-672c85f281faa933427829/] Make sure...
Krypton Docking Getting Started
Intro Krypton Suite is an awesome free controls library for Winforms. It’s presently being maintained/expanded by some good souls. You can check it out here: GitHub...
Passing a Type to a Method and returning an instantiated object with additional Type member operations
Automated Version control and Deployment Pre and Post build scripts for Visual Studio
The scripts below provide an easy way to auto update version numbers as you build in Visual Studio (see the Pre-Build Script) and also to...
Writing Plugins for Launchbox
[insert essentially redundant intro here] Getting Started Setting up the Project Create a new Blank Solution in Visual Studio Add a new Project > Choose...
Using Async/Await with long running, progress reporting non-blocking methods run Asynchronously via Task.Run
As an amateur coder, I find the world of Async/await and Tasks a little baffling. Most examples I found used pre-existing Async methods such as...
Add an outline to images via GDI+ with .NET Framework
Building a Stroke Class to outline your images via GDI+ I won’t prattle on. The aim was to find a way to transform this image:...
PropertyGrid: Dynamic DropDown list for Custom Class Types
This code tells your PropertyGrid control how to work with Properties which represent a custom Class This also works dynamically, so you don’t have to...
Alternative location for references in .net projects
This article covers how to setup your .net project to consume its libraries from a location different to the root of the .exe Normally, when...
Keep Focussed
A small app to ensure applications keep focus and do not have it robbed by other apps.. Originally designed to keep Steam games focussed whilst...