A simple, scheduled MySQL database backup method with zipped files, archive pruning and FTP/offsite upload
After a fruitless search for free MySQL backup tools, the solution turned out to be surprising – using good old-fashioned batch scripting to surprising affect! This leverages the MySQLDump tool which produces .sql files as backups.
This simple script will backup selected databases and do the following:
- keep rolling versions (backups older than your specified number of days will be deleted.
- zip them to save on storage
- upload them to an FTP site
- keep an ongoing log of operations
- Save the batch file below somewhere on your server and ammend the “USER VARIABLES HERE” section
- Create a shortcut pointing to this. Go into properties and set to “Run as Administrator.” You need this to leverage the FTP functions.
- Run the two commands below through an elevated command prompt to allow the ftp function to work:
- Set up a task-schedule to run the backup by pointing to the shortcut (not the batch file)
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@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion :: MySQL Backup Script by stigzler 2019 :: Use windows task scheduler to make it automatic! :: ============================================================================================== :: USER VARIABLES HERE :: Be pedantic - every space + character counts! :: Variable specific notes: :: 'databaseNames' - include all db names for backup separated by a space. :: 'extendedInserts' - changing this to false produces more readable SQL files at the cost to filesize and time. :: 'hostName' - e.g. "localhost" or "mysite.org" :: 'retaindays' - how long to keep backup files for :: 'guarenteedNumberBackups' - ensurtes this number of backups are kept in folder (failsafe incase backup gen fails) :: 'FtpKeepFiles' - specifies how many backup files to keep on the ftp server (oldest deleted) set MySQLDumpDir="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin" set username=root set password=YourPassword set hostName=localhost set databaseNames=database1 database2 ultimateDatabase set outputFilePrefix=ServerMySQLBackup set outputDirectory=D:\MySQLBackups\All_Dbs_Auto_BUs set extendedInserts=True set retaindays=64 set /a guarenteedNumberBackups=32 :: Optional :: Zip Backup Files set use7zip=true set ZipExe=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe :: Optional :: FTP file to remote site set useFTP=true set FtpUsername=FTPUserName set FtpPassword=97Dkoi22r set FtpDirectory=backups set FtpServerAddress=yourftpsite.uwebweb.com set /a FtpKeepFiles=4 :: ============================================================================================== :: OPERATIVE VARIABLES :: Date-Time: for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j set ldt=%ldt:~0,4%-%ldt:~4,2%-%ldt:~6,2%_%ldt:~8,2%-%ldt:~10,2%-%ldt:~12,6% set finalFilename=%outputDirectory%\%outputFilePrefix%_%ldt%.sql set log=%outputDirectory%\log.log :: METHOD cd %MySQLDumpDir% echo Starting MySql Backup script echo. >> %log% echo ====================================================================== >> %log% echo *** STARTING MYSQL Backup ******************************************** >> %log% echo ====================================================================== >> %log% echo Run On: %ldt% >> %log% echo This Script: %0 >> %log% echo Backing up databases: %databaseNames% >> %log% echo Backups presently retained for: %retaindays% days >> %log% echo Backups Folder: %outputDirectory% >> %log% echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %log% echo Running MySQLDump.. >> %log% mysqldump.exe --extended-insert=%extendedInserts% -u%username% -p%password% -h%hostName% --databases %databaseNames% > "%finalFilename%" 2>> %log% if %errorlevel%==0 echo Successfull. >> %log% :: De-comment the below for an alternaitve to backup ALL databases in this domain: :: mysqldump.exe --extended-insert=%extendedInserts% -u%username% -p%password% -h%hostName% --all-databases > %finalFilename% echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %log% :: Zip it if %use7zip%==true ( echo Zipping up .sql file >> %log% "%ZipExe%" a -tzip "%outputDirectory%\%outputFilePrefix%_%ldt%.zip" "%outputDirectory%\%outputFilePrefix%_%ldt%.sql" >> %log% echo Deleting original .sql file >> %log% del "%finalFilename%" 2>> %log% if %errorlevel%==0 echo Successfull. >> %log% ) echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %log% :: Now do any archive pruning beyond keep date echo Completing any archive pruning >> %log% for /f %%A in ('dir "%outputDirectory%" /a-d-s-h /b ^| find /v /c ""') do set cnt=%%A echo File count = %cnt% >> %log% if %cnt% LEQ %guarenteedNumberBackups% ( echo File count is lower than minimum of %guarenteedNumberBackups%. Skipping pruning. >> %log% goto :skipPrune ) echo Any files older than %retaindays% days: >> %log% Forfiles -p "%outputDirectory%" -s -m *.* -d -%retaindays% -c "cmd /c echo @file is old" >> %log% echo Deleting any old files... >> %log% Forfiles -p "%outputDirectory%" -s -m *.* -d -%retaindays% -c "cmd /c del @file" >> %log% if %errorlevel%==0 echo Successfull. >> %log% :skipPrune echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %log% :: Now do FTP if selected if NOT %useFTP%==true GOTO skip_FTP echo Completing FTP operations.. >> %log% echo Ensuring number of FTP files is %FtpKeepFiles% >> %log% :: First get file list echo user %FtpUsername%>ftpup.dat echo %FtpPassword%>>ftpup.dat echo dir %FtpDirectory%>>ftpup.dat echo quit>>ftpup.dat set ftpcmd=ftp -n -s:ftpup.dat %FtpServerAddress% ::Now construct new ftpdel.dat to delete files + do so echo user %FtpUsername%>ftpdel.dat echo %FtpPassword%>>ftpdel.dat if NOT "%FtpDirectory%"=="" ( echo cd %FtpDirectory%>>ftpdel.dat ) :: First get total number of files: set /a TotalFiles=0 for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('!ftpcmd!') do ( set /a TotalFiles+=1 ) set /a LinesToDelete= %TotalFiles% - %FtpKeepFiles% :: Now write files to be deleted set /a fileCount=0 for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('!ftpcmd!') do ( set line=%%a set line=!line:~3! set /a fileCount+=1 if !fileCount! leq %LinesToDelete% ( echo delete "!line!">>ftpdel.dat ) ) echo quit>>ftpdel.dat ftp -n -s:ftpdel.dat %FtpServerAddress% >> %log% :: Now upload new backup file echo user %FtpUsername%>ftpup.dat echo %FtpPassword%>>ftpup.dat if NOT "%FtpDirectory%"=="" ( echo cd %FtpDirectory%>>ftpup.dat ) echo binary>>ftpup.dat if %use7zip%==true ( echo put "%outputDirectory%\%outputFilePrefix%_%ldt%.zip">>ftpup.dat ) else ( echo put "%outputDirectory%\%outputFilePrefix%_%ldt%.sql">>ftpup.dat ) echo quit>>ftpup.dat ftp -n -s:ftpup.dat %FtpServerAddress% >> %log% del ftpup.dat del ftpdel.dat :skip_FTP echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %log% echo Backup Finished. >> %log% echo. >> %log% echo. >> %log% echo. >> %log% echo MySql backup script completed. |
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